Zoom Link for the class.  Copy this link, it will be the same link every week.


Class is at 4pm on Mondays



Post action pictures and pictures of your projects on Padlet




 QR Code to the Padlet Page          



The Base:  Each hole has a base that acts as a playing surface with boundaries.   Each hole can be broken down into two main parts:  1) the base and 2) an obstacle between the start and the finish.  Today we are working on the base.   It can be any shape you want it but make walls to keep the ball within the boundaries of your hole.  You can use any cardboard but if you have pizza boxes those work the best for the base.  They have perfect fold points to make walls and are all the same shape so they can easily be fit together to make bigger shapes.

Here is a tutorial on how to make sections of the base.   A good starting place would be to make a section today to see how long it takes.


4:30   Get Zoom session going 

   Answer questions and work

5:00    Answer questions and get to work


Materials needed for class

  1. Pizza boxes
  2. Microbit and data cable
  3. computers
  4. Crickit motor controller
  5. hot glue gun
  6. cardboard knives
  7. cardboard

Links for today

  1. Example and tutorial for the base
  2. MakeCode for Micro:bit
  3. Student Entrance Survey

Day 2

Today is centered around getting materials out and getting acquainted with everything.   We’ll start with coding.  Don’t worry if we have problems with the computers that’s why we are doing this early in the session.  We need to know what is working and what is not.

4:30   Get Zoom session going 

Introductions and discussion of past projects

Description of the program and criteria for this year

Project Make It Video

Caine’s Arcade

5:00    Get out all the microcontroller parts and Chromebook

5:15    Start coding

  1. Blinking Heart tutorial
  2. Dice tutorial
  3. Snap the Dot tutorial
  4. Hook up the Crickit and download the extension 
  5. Make a servo or motor move

Extra-time:   Servo Video and Cardboard Construction techniques.


Materials needed for class

  1. Microbit and data cable
  2. computers
  3. Crickit motor controller
  4. hot glue gun
  5. cardboard knives
  6. cardboard

Links for today

  1. MakeCode for Micro:bit
  2. Student Entrance Survey
  3. Firmware for Micro:bit

Day One

Today is an introduction.   We will not need any materials for today.  The materials listed are an example of what may be listed on your daily agenda.  Please fill out the surveys so we can get T-shirts ordered as soon as possible.  Please follow us on social media!


4:30 pm   Get Zoom session going 

Introductions and discussion of past projects

Project Make It Video

Caine’s Arcade

4:45 pm   Introduction to the website

5:00 pm          Student Entrance Survey 


Materials needed for class

  1. hot glue gun
  2. cardboard knives
  3. cardboard

Links for today

  1. MakeCode for Micro:bit
  2. Student Entrance Survey
  3. Firmware for Micro:bit
Project Make It:
Instagram:  @project_make_it
Twitter: @project_make_it
facebook: @projectmakeit