Zoom Link for the class.  Copy this link, it will be the same link every week and will be removed from the website after class today.



Post action pictures and pictures of your projects on Padlet

Mathews-Dickey (padlet.com)




Awards Ceremony 3/3 4:30 pm via ZOOM




Congratulations on finishing Project Make It.  This year was a special year that will be like no other and we made it.  I am so proud of everyone!  We have awards to give out 🙂  We wish we were able to have a big event and hand them out in person but we’re doing it over ZOOM.  All the teams will be there and at least we can have a moment for the kids to share what they made.  We have trophies, prizes and raffles to give away.    Check back here for the ZOOM link.

Weeks 11-12

Finishing up!

It’s time to finish all your building and polish your projects.  I need pictures on Padlet!  Please fill out the Team Info Form; I need you team information for signs and diplomas.  Your date for judging is 3/2 at 4pm.  Here is a copy of the scorecard they will be using.  We will be taking pictures and conducting basic interviews.  Wear your Project Make It t-shirts 🙂  It should take about 1/2 hour.  Fill out your exit survey on your final class.  

Final Checklist

Finish project

Fill out team info

Take Exit Survey

 Review for interview

Preparation for the interview

Wear your Project Make It t-shirt

Introduce yourselves

What is your Project Name

Tell us about your theme

Show us the feature you are most proud of

Links final weeks

Team Info Form

Student Exit Survey

 Judges Scorecard

Week 6

Design and build.  Please post pictures of your progress on our Padlet page 🙂  This week and from here to the end is all about building.  I posted an example of how to build a simple base for your course in the Make-It section under “Base”.  I also updated the planning page with an example of how to divide up tasks. 

Materials needed for class

  1. hot glue gun
  2. cardboard knives
  3. cardboard

Links for today

  1. Simple tutorial on how to build your base
  2. Plan-It
  3. Design Sheet .pdf for printing

Week 5 and vacation

Design and build.  Please post pictures of your progress on our Padlet page 🙂  This week and vacation is about building.  I posted an example of how to build a simple base for your course in the Make-It section under “Base”.  I also updated the planning page with an example of how to divide up tasks. 

Materials needed for class

  1. hot glue gun
  2. cardboard knives
  3. cardboard

Links for today

  1. Simple tutorial on how to build your base
  2. Plan-It
  3. Design Sheet .pdf for printing

Week 4

 Design and build.  Come up the a theme and tell it to me.  Decided who is doing what.  Start designing and building 🙂  Please post pictures of your work in progress on the padlet page, we will give an Amazon.com gift cert at the end of the program to the person from Mathews-Dickey with the best pictures. 

Materials needed for class

  1. hot glue gun
  2. cardboard knives
  3. cardboard

Links for today

  1. Plan-It
  2. Design Sheet .pdf for printing

Week 3

Today’s agenda to finish coding and then design & build.  Get out your chromebooks, Micro:bit, and Crickit.  Finish the three coding tutorials from last week.  If you are done with the those move on to moving a servo with the Crickit.  After you get the servo moving you can move on to designing your course!!!  Please make sure you fill out your student entrance survey 🙂


2:30   Get Zoom session going 

2:45   Get out micro controller parts and chromebooks 

3:00   Finish coding lessons and move on to getting a servo to move

3:30   – Till end of class – Develop a theme and lay out the course.  Discuss components.


Materials needed for class

  1. Microbit and data cable
  2. computers/chromebooks
  3. Crickit motor controller
  4. hot glue gun
  5. cardboard knives
  6. cardboard

Links for today

  1. MakeCode for Micro:bit
  2. Plan-It
  3. Design Sheet .pdf for printing
  4. Student Entrance Survey

Week 2


2:30   Get Zoom session going 

2:45   Get out micro controller parts and chromebooks 

3:00   Start Coding

  1. Blinking Heart tutorial
  2. Dice tutorial
  3. Snap the Dot tutorial
  4. Hook up the Crickit and download the extension 
  5. Make a servo move

3:45   Design and discussion

4:00   Fill out design page

4:15   Survey

Materials needed for class

  1. Microbit and data cable
  2. computers/chromebooks
  3. Crickit motor controller
  4. hot glue gun
  5. cardboard knives
  6. cardboard

Links for today

  1. MakeCode for Micro:bit
  2. Layout and Design Worksheet
  3. Student Entrance Survey

1st Week


Schedule is subject to change.

2:30   Get Zoom session going 

2:45    Introductions and Class description

3:00    Resources and website

3:15    Get out the Materials and ask questions.  Come up with a storage solution for the stuff.  Break until 3:30pm

3:30    Discuss the criteria for the golf course and show the video

3:45    Discuss how they will draw out the golf course and how the pizza boxes are going to fit together.

4:00    Team criteria for next class and pretesting.


Links for todays class:

Youtube mini golf Course

Student Entrance Survey

Layout and Design Worksheet